JohnDeckTissueSample1 is representative of the Individual itself, while JohnDeckGutSample1 is still associated with the same Individual but notice the taxon has changed and it is a new Occurrence as well. This approach allows for some sense to be constructed using a flat file approach if desired. Providing a Material Sample BoR for OccurrenceID's 124 and 125 provides further context. Meanwhile, we can consider the implications of, for example, habitat descriptions (... for JohnDeckOccurrence123 maybe i'd put, "temperate grassland biome") but the distinct occurrence records for the gut samples could be listed as (, "organ").IndividualID = JohnDeckMaterialSampleID = JohnDeckTissueSample1OccurrenceID = JohnDeckOccurrence123Taxon = "Homo sapiens"IndividualID = JohnDeckMaterialSampleID = JohnDeckGutSample1OccurrenceID = JohnDeckOccurrence124Taxon = "Bacteria500"IndividualID = JohnDeckMaterialSampleID = JohnDeckGutSample1OccurrenceID = JohnDeckOccurrence125Taxon = "Bacteria501"
Yes, that’s a fair point! In a sense, the ID has intrinsic value on its own if for no other reason than to represent a reference point for aggregation.
Nevertheless, I still maintain that if it fulfills that purpose, then it implies a “thing” (around which other “things” are aggregated), and I can’t imagine such a “thing” that we would care about for aggregating purposes, about which we would not associate other property values.
I say all this quite deliberately in reference to “dwc:individualID”, of course…. J
From: Markus Döring []
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:56 PM
To: Jason Holmberg
Cc: Richard Pyle; TDWG Content Mailing List; Robert Whitton; John Deck; Ramona Walls
Subject: Re: [tdwg-content] New Darwin Core terms proposed relating to material samples
The id value is actually very useful and the only trustworthy way of grouping records, e.g. all occurrences of the same whale.
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