Greetings All,

RE: Balancing Global Agency and Local Precision. Roundtrip your feedback at TaxonWorks Together 2024
Presenter: David Shorthouse
Where: online, free
When: 8 May 2024 (next Wednesday) at 15:00 UTC (10:00 CDT).

Many of us, as data providers and data aggregators need to both give and receive feedback about our data. A new proposed Darwin Core term: feedbackURL could provide a feasible -- actionable -- step forward. See SEE:  If you'd like to learn more about this and how it might work for you, if you'd like to add to the conversation, please join us at TaxonWorks Together for the talk: Balancing Global Agency and Local Precision. Roundtrip your feedback. David Shorthouse presents this topic to share his take and insights on the potential in this term for all of us.

It's exciting to be talking about implementing solutions that could help data providers get feedback directly. Hope to see you there!

Note there are related sessions you might find interesting:

Your questions, welcome. Looking forward to seeing you there!

In anticipation,
Debbie Paul, for the SFG and TaxonWorks Together 2024

- Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison
- Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois
-- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Past Chair 2021-2022
-- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment
-- Species File Group and Events