Hi all, I'm new to this list and hope that the following are appropriate questions. In Bratislava, I wasn't keeping detailed enough notes on projects and their current and future plans wrt TCS. What sites are currently publishing TCS-formatted data or will be within the year? I know that zoobank.org will be publishing TCS data in the near future. Is GBIF? ITIS? Species2000? What sites are publishing real "taxon concept" data (in TCS format or not)? Conversely, what sites are simply publishing "nominal taxon concepts" as opposed to detailed authoritative taxon concepts? Is this the kind of thing for which we should generate a survey to send to sites (i.e. their plans for publishing TCS) or distrubute to TDWG members? Thanks, Paul ------------------------ Paul Allen, Assistant Director Information Science pea1@cornell.edu Cornell Lab of Ornithology (800) 843-BIRD 159 Sapsucker Woods Road (607) 254-2480 (direct) Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 254-2415 (fax) http://www.birds.cornell.edu/ http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/ http://www.ebird.org/ http://bird.atlasing.org/ ------------------------