Hi TDWG folks,

RE: Your Part In a Pursuit of a Worldwide Collection Catalogue

Some of you work with / in collections, or know people that do, or support gathering, using and discovery of bio/geo-collections data.  Please participate in this event (see next) and encourage your colleagues (FB, Twitter, email, etc). Thanks!

Please note that at least some of the content is available in Spanish, Chinese (simplified), and French in an effort to make it easier for more folks to participate.

Español: Adelantando el Catálogo de Colecciones de Historia Natural del Mundo 13
Français: Faire avancer le Catalogue des Collections d’Histoire Naturelle du Monde
简体中文: 建立《全球自然历史馆藏名录》

Right now (through April 27th) you have a unique opportunity to add your voice to an online consultation about
Advancing the Catalogue of the World’s Natural History Collections. Please help to capture the value of collections and your insights about potential for them as well that will help shape a new online resource.

Please start here: https://discourse.gbif.org/t/advancing-the-catalogue-of-the-worlds-natural-history-collections/1710

A few example Technical and Information questions that need your experience and insights:
Please share this call with your colleagues too so that input can truly be worldwide and cross-discipline.

We're very much looking forward to talking with you in the forum (at GBIF) where the questions are posted. We are waiting for you.

In anticipation, from Deb, on behalf of the consultation team:
Donald Hobern, Alex Asase, Quentin Groom, Maofang Luo, Deborah Paul, Tim Robertson, Patrick Semal, Barbara Thiers, Matt Woodburn, Eliza Zschuschen
-- Upcoming iDigBio Events https://www.idigbio.org/calendar
-- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Development Manager
iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member
SPNHC Liaison, Member-At-Large and Member International Relations Committee
ICEDIG External Advisory Board Member https://icedig.eu/
Vice Chair, Biodiversity Information Standards Organisation (TDWG)(2019-2021)
Managing Editor, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards (BISS) https://biss.pensoft.net/board/
Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306