There's still time! for your input to #TDWG2021 content. Did you miss the TDWG 2021 abstract deadline? We have extended the deadline to 20 August for posters only. Why? Because this year our conference platform on Whova will feature a PostersPlus area. Here, attendees will find not just your posters and infographics but short pre-recorded videos to accompany them OR stand alone as a video poster. Attendees will be able to ask questions of poster/video authors or arrange to chat. See instructions for abstract submission for details on submitting a Poster abstract. (See a Demo Event from Whova to get ideas:
Please share widely to benefit all those who would like to contribute. You? We're very excited to see your creativity and insights. Thanks from #TDWG2021 Conference Organizers and Program Committee!
- Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics (BI) Community Liaison
- Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois
-- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Chair 2021-2022
-- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment
-- Species File Group and Events