I'd like to bring to everyone's attention the RDF sandboxes that have been set up and made available for our use - see http://code.google.com/p/tdwg-rdf/
These are a great resource - they allow projects to start exploring RDF without the hassle of setting up infrastructure (triplestores, sparql endpoints, etc.), and they allow all of us to load data into a common space for querying (as Cam did with Rod's frog data [1]).
(I've found the 4store instance to be particularly satisfying - for example, the bioblitz invasives testcases [2] load and execute painlessly.)
(And if anyone has the time and inclination ... it would be great to have a sandbox with rule processing capabilities.)
Cheers, Joel.
1. http://code.google.com/p/tdwg-rdf/wiki/RodPageChallenge 2. http://bit.ly/vN3DvX