I should correct what I said below to draw the distinction between RDF and RDF/XML:
One does have to maintain a consistent RDF structure because the XSLT is a "dumb" static file, but if your RDF is being generated systematically, it will probably have a consistent format anyway. It also means that a human has to use "view page source" to look at the underlying RDF, but
This should have said, "maintain a consistent XML structure ... if your RDF/XML is being ..." since XML is just one way of serializing RDF. However, it is *the *recommended serialization of RDF for GUID resolution, i.e. the GUID A.S. rec 10 says "The default metadata response format *should *be RDF serialized as XML." (emphasis in the document), so people following the rec will be generating it. What I was trying to get across is that there are easy ways to create human-friendly representations.