I'm reading the LSID spec and there are some things that are some things that are a little cloudy to me.
The spec says that the client should query the DNS for NAPTR records for the domain name "lsid.urn.arpa", but it seems that the URN NID part "lsid" has not been established at IANA (lsid.urn.arpa is unresolvable) ? Why ?
I wondered if it's enough to query the DNS of the "authority identification" part of the LSID (domain name) for a _lsid._tcp SRV record and assume that this entry is a valid resolution service for the given LSID ? If not, what's the proper way to find a resolution service for, let's say, "urn:lsid:blah.my.domain:foo:12345" ?
Thank you
Best regards,
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