Dear colleagues,

At SiB Colombia we are standardizing a resource of vegetation plots that are going to be monitored for several years, the data includes both measurements of the event and the organisms.  So, we are currently discussing how to address this kind of data through the occurrenceCore and the new eventCore.

We propose to create  two related resources, the first describing the biotic and abiotic data of each plot (eventCore + meassurementOrFacts + relevé), and the second describing the organisms and it’s functional traits (occurrenceCore + meassurementOrFacts). The resources will be related through eventID and parentEventID.

We would like to know  what do you think about this approach and if anyone is dealing with the same kind of data and how did you address this issue, or if we also will need to relate the resources through the resourceRelationship extension?

Looking forward for your assessment.

Kind Regards!


Camila Plata
Interoperabilidad y Admón. de Contenidos EC-SiB. 

Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos
Alexander von Humboldt
Avenida Paseo Bolivar (Circunvalar) 16-20 
PBX: (57) 1 320 2767 Ext. 1157
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

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