Here is a preliminary agenda for the SPM I working session at TDWG on Tuesday, 1100-1230: http://bit.ly/37ZFiO I am in the process of recruiting relevant people to lead some of these discussion items. Please feel free to volunteer. I'm especially wondering if anybody has experience taking a TDWG standard through the ratification process, as we will need your guidance. If you plan to attend and want to add something to the agenda, please email me. If you have any background material relevant to the discussion items, you are invited to add it yourself to the wiki whether you will be attending the session or not. Also, feel free to start discussion on this mailing list before the session. I will be adding to the background material over the next couple of days and will bring hard copies to the session. Even if you don't have a chance to review it in advance, you are welcome to attend the session. We have more than 30 people who have expressed interest so it should be a lively hour and a half! Cyndy -- Cynthia Sims Parr Director of the Species Pages Group Encyclopedia of Life http://www.eol.org Office: 202.633.8730 Fax: 202.633.8742 parrc@si.edu Mailing address: National Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 37012 MRC 106 Washington, DC 20013-7012