Hi NCD'ers,
Please see the initial feedback from Lee on our bid to the Moore Foundation. Please send me your ideas for outcomes expected from the 2007 Workshop, as indicated in the second paragraph.
With thanks,

From: Lee Belbin [mailto:leebel@netspace.net.au]
Sent: 17 November 2006 05:35
To: Neil Thomson
Subject: RE: Moore Foundation Round II bid from NCD Task Group

Hi Neil
I've spent the day summarising the proposals and will get a statement about them to all the submitters sometime next week.
On your part 5 (the NCD meeting), I really need to know specifically what will be done at the meeting/workshop or by the people attending the meeting. I can't fund meetings, only what will be produced as a consequence of them.
I've cut out part of an e-mail to Aimee Stewart (below) about this that may help.
"Meetings and Workshops shouldn't be talkshops.  I have found a simple process very effective for productive meetings. The cost of entry is the provision of a significant component of work. That work may be determining and documenting how to communicate between two components, outlining a portion of the workflow, providing data, writing software, researching options and presenting conclusions etc. The other key point is to come away from the meeting with the outcome. Done. Written up. The works. This tends to focus the mind, determine what is really needed, and ensure that it gets done."
I've also broken your proposal into 5 components as we may end up having to pick and choose in some cases. I've done the same with a few others.
On a related subject, Roger, Donald, Adrian, Stan and I have had some discussion yesterday on what the 'observations' may encompass. We currently have quite a few proposals (no charters as yet!) for Interest Groups. The structure is flat in that there has not been a 'horizontal perspective' on how any of these proposed IGs relate. I doubt we (the Exec) can do much on that until we have the charters. Catch-22. I mentioned that one perspective could put NCD into observations. Anyway, as I said early on, I strongly suggest you discuss the options with Adrian. We really need to keep the discussions flowing on this issue.

Lee Belbin
Manager, TDWG Infrastructure Project
Email: lee@tdwg.org
Phone: +61(0)419 374 133


From: Neil Thomson [mailto:N.Thomson@nhm.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, 16 November 2006 9:54 PM
To: leebel@netspace.net.au
Subject: RE: Moore Foundation Round II bid from NCD Task Group

Hi Lee,
Thank you for confirming receipt.

From: Lee Belbin [mailto:leebel@netspace.net.au]
Sent: 16 November 2006 02:18
To: Neil Thomson
Subject: RE: Moore Foundation Round II bid from NCD Task Group

Hi Neil
Thanks for the proposal. I'll be evaluating them over the next few weeks and will get back you on the outcomes ASAP.

Lee Belbin
Manager, TDWG Infrastructure Project
Email: lee@tdwg.org
Phone: +61(0)419 374 133


From: Neil Thomson [mailto:N.Thomson@nhm.ac.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, 15 November 2006 1:53 AM
To: lee@tdwg.org
Cc: tdwg-ncd@lists.tdwg.org; leebel@netspace.net.au
Subject: Moore Foundation Round II bid from NCD Task Group

Hi Lee,

I attach a one-page bid for funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation on behalf of the Natural Collections Descriptions Task Group. I look forward to hearing the outcome, in due course.

Thank you for considering this bid,


Neil Thomson
Head of Data & Digital Systems
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5294,
Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5559,
Email: n.thomson@nhm.ac.uk