I’ve been giving some thought to the class terms and the examples of class-based DwC data in the Darwin Core XML Guide (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/guides/xml/index.htm - see the Classes and Containment section).  As this list has recently been discussing Simple DwC and the restrictions it imposes, I’d be interested in knowing of the experience of any projects that have sought to use the class terms as a mechanism for streaming richer data using Darwin Core.


Can anyone provide examples of projects sharing data in this way?


Are there any findings on the success of exporting and consuming class-based DwC data, in particular on the consistency of how such data are interpreted?


Has anyone given thought to how a consumer would derive the equivalent of a set of best-fit Simple DwC records from the kind of class-based DwC presented in the guide’s examples?









Donald Hobern, Director, Atlas of Living Australia

CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 62464352 Mobile: 0437990208

Email: Donald.Hobern@csiro.au

Web: http://www.ala.org.au/