Hello TDWG'ers,
Please join us for the next installment of Darwin Core Hour: Thousands of Shades for “Controlled” Vocabularies, with presenter, Paula Zermoglio.
DETAILS for webinar. https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-thousands-shades-%E2%80%9Cc...
That's this Tuesday 4th April, 11AM EDT, 12 noon ART, 3PM UTC
ABSTRACT. In this third chapter in the Darwin Core Hour series we will visit some of the most colorful Darwin Core terms for which the use of *controlled vocabularies* is recommended. First, as a follow up to Chapter 2, we will expose the current content of particular terms as they are published right now via different aggregators. Second, we will try to disentangle the reasons, purposes and chances that lead us to observe this diversity of values in such fields. Then, we will explore the current availability of controlled vocabularies in different disciplines within our community and the initiatives that are addressing the problem from different perspectives. Finally, we will try to understand if there is actually a pot at the end of the rainbow: can we come up with solid, community-built controlled vocabularies?
1. Explore the Darwin Core Questions & Answers wiki! https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/wiki - where all Darwin Core Hour materials can be found. 2. See which of your questions have been asked and answered so far https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/issues 3. Submit your question / volunteer (yourself or someone) to do a webinar on your darwin core topic: https://tinyurl.com/zja2muz 4. Here's a list of terms for which DwC recommends use of a controlled vocabulary - note many are in the Location class. https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/wiki/Controlled-Vocabularies 5. See what's inside some of the dwc fields that suggest using a controlled vocabulary (data from GBIF, iDigBio, VertNet, and soon ALA): https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/tree/master/data 6. Future DwC Hour webinars coming up in May and June feature discussions about how new dwc:terms and dwc:extensions come into being and another dwc hour on the GBIF Intergrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and Darwin Core.
Happy Darwin Core and Data Quality, :-) Deb, et al from the iDigBio Data Mgmt Interest Group and the Darwin Core Hour Team (please kindly excuse cross-postings!) Webinar series brought to you by the iDigBio Data Management Interest Group (DMI). We welcome input for this series from everyone worldwide. We plan to make this happen 1x month. We use Adobe Connect for our webinars. See https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Web_Conferencing for hints on best experience (hint: use headsets!)