I don't have an opinion about what the recommended delimiter should be, but I think it would be beneficial for there to be consistency between Darwin Core and Audubon Core.  You can see what the recommendation is for Audubon Core at http://terms.gbif.org/wiki/Audubon_Core_%281.0_normative%29#Lists_of_plain_text_values - it's the pipe "|".  Either Darwin Core should go with this, or if there is a consensus reached here that is different, then AC should be changed before it is ratified, which potentially could happen in a matter of weeks.  It is highly likely that there will be records that are a mixture of AC and DwC, so it would not be a good thing for the recommendations to differ.


Markus Döring wrote:
Hi John et al.,

I would like to see a single recommended default delimiter, preferrably the semicolon as its natural and hardly used in values. 
For dwc archives there is a multiValueDelimiter attribute for every term mapping that allows to declare other delimiters if needed.

Currently it is hardly possible to detect multi values in a field and you can just test for some often used ones but even then you never know if they were meant to be delimiters.
Having a single default value helps to get the idea of multi values across and make it a bit more accessible I believe.

dwc:vernacularName I would personally prefer to see as a single value term as it is mostly useful in combination with a locale and rarely is shared on its own.
Seeing dwc:typeStatus being a multi value term also feels wrong as the name is in singluar while the others carry the multi value nature in the name already. 


n 07.10.2013, at 12:28, John Wieczorek wrote:

Dear all,

On the list of pending Darwin Core issues is a topic of general
concern about terms that could or do recommend the concatenation and
delimiting of a list of values. The specific issue was submitted on
the Darwin Core Project site at
https://code.google.com/p/darwincore/issues/detail?id=168. Right now
there is variation in the recommendations of distinct terms.

The Darwin Core terms that could be used to hold lists include the
following (use the index at
http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/index.htm#theterms to find and see the
details of each of these):


There are some issues. Many terms do not show examples. Most of those
that do show examples recommend semi-colon (';') -
associatedOccurrences, recordedBy, preparations, otherCatalogNumbers,
previousIdentifications, higherGeography, georeferenceSources, and
higherClassification, The example for higherClassification does not
have spaces after the semi-colon while all others do.

Terms that could hold a list of URLs would require a delimiter that
would be an invalid part of a URL unless it was escaped. This
precludes comma (','), semi-colon (';'), and colon (':'), among
others. One possibility here might be the vertical bar or "pipe"

The term dynamicProperties is meant to take key-value pairs. The
examples suggest the format key=value, with any list delimited by a
semi-colon, for example, "tragusLengthInMeters=0.014;
weightInGrams=120". The example for associatedTaxa also shows a
key-value pair ("host: Quercus alba"), but it is formatted differently
from the examples for dynamicProperties. There are other terms, such
as vernacularName, which could potentially also take a key-value pair,
though it is not currently recommended to be a list.

Please ignore the issue of whether the idea of list-type terms is a
good idea or not - that is not the issue we're trying to resolve here.
Instead, the issue is whether a consistent recommendation can be made
for how to delimit the values in a list. And if not a consistent
recommendation, can we make specific recommendations for distinct
terms? If specific recommendations can be made for a term, should that
be reflected in examples within the term definitions, or should such
recommendations reside only in Type 3 supplementary documentation such
as that which can be found on the Darwin Core Project site at, for
example, https://code.google.com/p/darwincore/wiki/Occurrence#associatedSequences?
Should some of these terms have specific recommendations to contain
only single values (e.g., vernacularName), in which case they are not
really viable in Simple Darwin Core?


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