Two of us from Missouri Botanical Garden will arrive at the airport Tuesday morning.  We intend to attend the meeting, but we'll be late.

Best regards,
Chuck Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregor Hagedorn [mailto:G.Hagedorn@BBA.DE]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 5:20 AM
Subject: Meeting in Lisbon

MEETING Details in Lisbon
My apologies for the late notice! I have been away and came back ill, so I could only today get into the institute to have email access.

For the same reason, I did not manage to finish the Paris minutes, which is a real pity. I would welcome if this time some other member present could make the minutes of the meeting, perhaps different people on different days.

Tuesday October 21
We meet at 9 (or perhaps a bit later, if the transport takes longer) in the IGC, please see for further information.

I suggest that those staying in the Praia Mar hotel meet at 8:30 in front of the reception (unless you receive a different notice about shuttle transport when you arrive).

Wednesday October 22
As above, we will convene at a room in the IGC and 9:00.

Thursday October 23
No SDD meeting. Most will join the Taxonomic Names group, which will be crucial to SDD as well to be able to produce full-fledged data sets including taxonomic name information.

Friday October 24
No SDD meeting. Some should join the ABCD group. It would be good if the two schemata use some common elements/principles.

Saturday October 25

SDD meets most day, see TDWG schedule
for details

I look forward to meet you!

Gregor Hagedorn (
Institute for Plant Virology, Microbiology, and Biosafety Federal Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA)
Koenigin-Luise-Str. 19          Tel: +49-30-8304-2220
14195 Berlin, Germany           Fax: +49-30-8304-2203

Often wrong but never in doubt!