A quick DwC Hour reminder.

Less than 24 hours now to the next Darwin Core Hour: A bite from the core - testing for data quality.
Presenters and TDWG members: Arthur Chapman and Lee Belbin

TIME: (please check carefully, the international dateline is involved in this DCH)
7 AM Wednesday Sept 6th (Tasmania)
5 PM Tuesday Sept 5th (USA EDT)
6 PM Tuesday Sept 5th (Buenos Aires)
21:00 UTC Tuesday Sept 5th

DETAILED Abstract: https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-bite-core-testing-data-quality
WHERE: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/room

Read more about these Test and Assertions on the DQIG Wiki https://github.com/tdwg/bdq/wiki/Task-Group-2-(Tests-and-Assertions)-of-the-'Data-Quality'-Interest-Group-seek-your-comments

Brought to you by the Darwin Core Hour Team - Connecting Biodiversity Data Communities
Deb Paul, et al
PS Check out past and future DCH Webinars https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/wiki/Webinars
Hints for best Adobe Connect experience: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Web_Conferencing
Let us know if you'd like to moderate / present / plan future Darwin Core Hours https://tinyurl.com/zja2muz

-- Upcoming iDigBio Events https://www.idigbio.org/calendar
-- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Training Specialist
iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member, SPNHC Liaison and Member-At-Large, SYNTHESYS3 Representative
Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306