I got a question tonight at TDWG about the advantages of the Linked Data approach. 

I described one of the main advantages in this blog post. 


As with the BHL example, it often makes more sense to link to related data curated maintained by a group which has that area as their primary concern.

The alternative is to spend resources replicating and curating data that is outside the main focus of your work.

A related benefit is that the value of both linked resources is enhanced.

I am not a biographer, and there are often very good articles about significant taxonomic authors on Wikipedia.

The value of both DBpedia and TaxonConcept are increased when I correctly link between a species concept and a DBpedia resource describing a taxon author.

For many of the taxa, you can go from a URI of a taxonomic author to lots of additional information related to the taxa he or she described.


- Pete

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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