Van: Paul Murray []
Verzonden: vr 10-12-2010 3:25

> I have just been running through some code in APNI dealing
> with just this issue.

The ICBN-way to deal with these are:

* A generic name may be marked as a hybrid. It is rendered
        nothogenus Foo

* An infrageneric name may be marked as a hybrid. It is rendered
        $genericName rank ×Foz
        $genericName nothorank Foz

* A species name may be marked as a hybrid. It is rendered
        $genericName ×bar
        nothospecies $genericName bar

* An infraspecific name may be marked as a hybrid. It is rendered
        $genericName bar rank ×baz
        $genericName bar nothorank baz

The following do not concern hybrid names or names in the sense
of the ICBN at all:
        hybrid_code 'I' --> foo - bar  (intergrade)
        hybrid_code '+' --> foo + bar (graft)
        hybrid_code 'U' --> foo hybrid (unspecified hybrid?)

However, the ICNCP uses
        Foo +bar
but not
        +Foo bar

Paul van Rijckevorsel