I have added some additional information the the TaxonConcept KB for Rich's two fish

About: Centropyge fisheri se:q72fd    Orange Angelfish http://lsd.taxonconcept.org/describe/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flod.taxonconcept.org%2Fses%2Fq72fd%23Species bit.ly    http://bit.ly/j1c7NF
About: Centropyge flavicauda se:Mj6j4 Whitetail Angelfish http://lsd.taxonconcept.org/describe/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flod.taxonconcept.org%2Fses%2FMj6j4%23Species bit.ly http://bit.ly/mwQIyh

* Assuming the photo's are correct, these examples still need links to representative specimens and other related data.

This was done by creating this file and adding it to the triplestore 


Data about the image http://lsd.taxonconcept.org/describe/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fassets.taxonconcept.org%2Ffb%2FCentropyge_fisheri_01_480x320.jpg bit.ly http://bit.ly/jjmnsd

If I understand Rich correctly all these images would be instances of the concept Centropyge fisheri sensu lato

That would need it own URI and could be related by something like this:

<http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ses/q72fd#Species> txn:hasWiderAlternativeConceptualization  <http://lod.alternativeconcepts.org/ses/10252#Species>
<http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ses/Mj6j4#Species> txn:hasWiderAlternativeConceptualization  <http://lod.alternativeconcepts.org/ses/10252#Species>


<http://lod.alternativeconcepts.org/ses/10252#Species> txn:hasNarrowerTXNConceptualization <http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ses/q72fd#Species>
<http://lod.alternativeconcepts.org/ses/10252#Species> txn:hasNarrowerTXNConceptualization <http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ses/Mj6j4#Species>

I think it is cleaner to have the overlapping concepts separated into a different namespace.

This implies that the set of alternativeconcepts don't overlap with each other.

So what I am proposing allows for alternative concepts.

It does not appear that The Plant List has alternative concepts, each species has a current name and the set represents their form of a set of non overlapping concepts.

Why isn't this controversial?

Note also that things like The Plant List don't do much to improve the lot of those who document and describe species. You cite the authors of The Plant List.

This is in contrast to TaxonConcept where you site the species editors and the original author is linked via their DBpedia description. (In many cases these will need to be added to Wikipedia, about 6,000 already)


- Pete

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Email: pdevries@wisc.edu
TaxonConcept  &  GeoSpecies Knowledge Bases
A Semantic Web, Linked Open Data  Project