I have redone my occurrence records to match the single example I had posted before. (Go to the last example, if you just want something pretty)

Here is the RDF: http://ocs.taxonconcept.org/ocs/f522444a-2dd9-400e-be59-47213ef38cb9.rdf

In TXNburner you can step through the various elements starting with the RDF that describes the file itself, the other elements are "topics' of the page.


There is some repetition between the "#" elements of this record, that I intend to cleanup.

We don't really need to use geo in both the #Occurrence and #Area, but if for now if you want the

#Occurrence records to show up as dots on a map then you do.

Here is what it looks like on the LOD Cloud via Sindice.


- Pete

P.S. Sleep ... I remember what that was like :-)
Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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