It might make some sense to have a range that follows some standard RDF representation, but they do not necessarily have to be namestrings in the GNI.
I was thinking that those RDF representations that follow a specific structure could be seen as instances of the class "NameString"
If these are namestrings provided only by the GNI, then they might be in a modeled as instances of the class "GNI_NameString"
Literal Forms
txn:hasAcceptedScientificName "Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say 1823)"
txn:hasAcceptedScientificName "Aedes triseriatus (Say 1823)"
txn:hasBasionymName "Culex triseriatus Say 1823"
GUID Forms
Do we want to also include information like that described below. In some cases, each of the databases have their own version of the "Accepted Name"
This would allow one to determine which DB's have different "Accepted" names
<concept> txn:hasCOL2010_ScientificNameURI <>
<concept> txn:hasNCBI_ScientificNameURI <>
<concept> txn:hasITIS_ScientificNameURI <>
<concept> txn:hasGBIF_ScientificNameURI <>
Tracking the Catalog of Life LSID's over time. Since there is a new COL LSID each year, you will need to create some mapping between these.
<concept> txn:hasCol2009LSID <>
<concept> txn:hasCol2010LSID <>
These LSID will work within VIrtuoso only because this quadstore has written extensions that allow them. LSID's themselves are not really true LOD identifiers.
Most semantic web tools do not know how to deal with these.
The relationships between these "properly formed" Accepted Names, Synonyms, Basionyms can then be represented with additional predicates depending on the relationship between the concept and the namestring.
I have choosen to not emphasize what kind of taxon concept we are using since these should be usable with many "kinds" of taxon concepts.
The advantage of representing these namestrings as URI's is that once loaded into a triplestore / quadstore one will be able to see and query what namestrings are related to a specific concept and what namestrings are related to various concepts.
Unless their is some disagreement, I plan to modify my ontology and upload the example triples to the cloud so the namestring relationships are viewable in SIndice etc by the time of the Nomina meeting on Thursday.