Dear all,

I just have finished a TCS XML  demo page at:
which is a TCS representation of synonym list (concepts) data on the taxon 'Subbotina patagonica' published by Berggren & Norris (1997) and Pearson et al. (2006), see a html output here:

The XML valdates against the schema, but of course, what I have implemented is a 'interpretation' of the standard, e.g. I have now summarized the two synonymies to one DataSet, and I am not sure if this granularity makes sense. So I would like to ask you to check if the output looks reasonable.

I was really happy to see how good TCS fits to my data and after I have seen the first results I realized how good this fits to an experiment I was trying some months ago:

I tried to apply the Google PageRank algorithm to synonymies and as a first attempt I calculated what I called TaxonRank. I have provided some more info on this here: (+ my geoinformatics community prepared a special volume on ontologies etc and I have also submitted a paper to Computers&Geosciences which will be published soon).

After seeing the TCS XML output and reading many RDF and ontology related mailing list contributions I wonder if anybody has ever thought about doing something like this before?
My tests are on synonymy list (concepts) only, but I think similar approaches could lead to interesting results also if applied to e.g. genetics. And..wouldn't be ranking based on such ontologies a killer application for GUIDs?
apologies for cross posting..

Dr. Robert Huber,

MARUM - Institute for Marine Environmental Sciences (location)
University Bremen
Leobener Strasse
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28359 Bremen
Phone ++49 421 218-65593, Fax ++49 421 218-65505