Hi all, I have added the aknowledgements section as Dave proposed but maybe some editing from a native speaker or something on this part would be great... apart of this I think I am done... I have to do some cleaning-up on the website and we are ready with it. Check it out on subversion or here in the PDF. Ahh!! Also I gave credits to the instituions I thought you might want to give credits but it would be good if you can check if it is fine for you ;) Then I will be working on the prototype. Tim has created a parallels image with a debian running everything that is very convient from demostration... it does not work perfectly yet but I will be working on the code this afternoon. Tomorrow I do the presentation and I hope to be ready for rocking at OGC! I will try to circulate as soon as possible the presentation so that I can get comments on it :) Cheers.