Dear All,

A new version of NCD is attached and will be placed on the wiki and in

There are no major changes, but some much-needed tidying up. I am grateful to Markus for making the following changes:

- all attribute names start with lower character
- all xs:anySimpleType data types have been replaced with xs:string, 
xs:positiveInteger or xs:language where appropriate
- missing types have been added
- version="0.51" because all attribute names have changes to lower case

In addition, I have amended the header to reflect the new version and date and altered <CollectionExtent> from being a container element (in error) to being a string element.

There may be additional changes required to harmonise the schema with the NCD Toolit requirements.

For those of you unable to work with .xsd files, I also enclose a cribsheet in Excel that provides a straight listing of the elements and their attrbutes. The names of elements currently deemed to be required are shaded pale blue

All best wishes,
Neil Thomson
Head of Data & Digital Systems
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5294,
Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5559,

<<NCDv0pt51.xsd>> <<NCDv0pt51.xls>>