There were a few goals in mind when I thought of this pattern.

1) It makes it clear to processing services how to resolve the entity
2) It makes it more clear to data submitters what should go in that field
3) It allows end users who want to use the LSID system to do so without breaking non LSID aware systems.

The use of LSID makes it clear that this should be resolved using a LSID resolution system. 

If we used URN it would still not be clear what "kind" of URN.

Also remember that just because their is a defined field does not mean you are obligated to use it.

We could also define a field hasScientificNameURN for non-resolvable URNs.

What I would like to avoid are cases where consuming agents including crawlers generate an error when they try
to resolve an LSID by assuming that it will work like proper semantic web URI's. In some cases, these system
stop processing when they encounter these errors.

- Pete

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Hilmar Lapp <> wrote:

On Oct 5, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Kevin Richards wrote:

hasScientificNameID = http resolvable URI
hasScientificNameURN = LSID or other URN

If you define the convention for the value for hasScientificNameID to be a http-resolvable URI, then that obviates the need for the second, doesn't it? LSIDs, as much as Handles, DOIs and other non-HTTP URI identifiers either have already or will have to have proxy forms that make them resolvable HTTP URIs, or otherwise I would argue there is little use for them in the standard.

What is the use-case that requires the LSID, but not other non-HTTP identifier schemes, to be in a separate element, if there is already an element that can be expected to have a resolvable  HTTP URI? What is special about LSIDs in this respect?

: Hilmar Lapp  -:- Durham, NC -:- :

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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