I was wondering if there is an existing predicate for linking to a PDF file?
I would like to incorporate a link between bibliographic reference description and a URL to the location of a PDF of that document.
<!-- Ideally, this should link to a resource in the Biodiversity Heritage Library -->
<dcterms:title>Original Published Description relating to Species Concept Puma concolor se:v6n7p</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description>LOD metadata about the original species description relating to Species Concept Puma concolor se:v6n7p</dcterms:description>
<txn:hasBasionymName>Felis concolor Linnaeus 1771</txn:hasBasionymName>
<!-- There should be a type specimen. Add link to GBIF via 'txn:sodHasTypeSpecimen' if they know about it. -->
Some have suggested using rdfs:seeAlso to link to what could be a multimegabyte PDF, but I think this would cause problems for a number of RDF crawlers like Elmo.
In summary, I think it would be useful to have a predicate that can be used for linking specifically to a PDF document.
Is there an existing predicate for this?
What do people think about the suggestion to use rdfs:seeAlso to link to a PDF?
I would also like to know of others thoughts or suggestions regarding this issue,
- Pete