Public Review of TAPIR

TDWG is pleased to announce the commencement of the Public Review of the TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval TAPIR - a method for sharing biodiversity information.  Since being officially put forward as a draft, TAPIR has undergone a peer review, a review by the TDWG Executive and multiple revisions.

Open Invitation: We invite all who may contribute and/or consume biodiversity information to examine this proposed standard during the Public Review period from 10th September through at least until the 10th November 2009.

How to Participate: You can participate in the review of TAPIR in two ways; either through lodging a comment through TDWG’s Open Journal System, or you can take the Microsoft Word document and edit it with track changes and resubmit it to the TAPIR Wiki space. 

To post comments to the Open Journal System (that can be anonymous), go to  On the right hand side of the page is a link to add a comment.  

At the previous URL, you can also download a copy of the Microsoft Word format specification.  Once you have downloaded it, turn on track changes and make your notes and comments.  You can then submit that file at  Please DO NOT add any comments to the Wiki page, only via the OJS page.

Questions about the process should be directed to me at piers(at)  

Please share this opportunity for public comment and review with others you think may be interested.

Acknowledgements: I’d like to thank the authors, the anonymous reviewers and the members of the Executive Committee who reviewed the standard.  In addition, the guidance of Lee Belbin through the review process has been invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Links expanded:

TAPIR Specification in HTML -

Official TAPIR Website -
Various TAPIR software packages -
Subscribe to tdwg-tag  -

Related Links:

Other TDWG Standards:
TDWG Standards Track (in OJS):

Apologies if you receive this multiple times from various mailing lists.


Piers Higgs, Review Manager


Piers Higgs

Gaia Resources

p +61 8 92277309

m +61 411 754 006


