I have the impression that this message was not received... I will write Ricardo to know what is going on... Comment on the email later... Cheers. Begin forwarded message:
From: biogeosdi-bounces@lists.tdwg.org Date: 21 de enero de 2007 19:18:08 GMT+01:00 To: biogeosdi-owner@lists.tdwg.org Subject: Auto-discard notification
The attached message has been automatically discarded. From: "David Neufeld" <david.neufeld@colorado.edu> Date: 21 de enero de 2007 19:17:58 GMT+01:00 To: <biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org> Subject: RE: [Biogeosdi] meeting
Date are likewise “OK’ish” for me. I might head out at the end of the day on the 5th if that week in April comes together. Otherwise June looks good.
I’ve worked with WCS some via Map Server for the environmental extraction service we put together for MAPA last year. It uses the httpclient from Jakarta commons which is nice in that it can pull from disparate WCS services and collate the results for specimen occurrence records. We recently received a little more funding to further develop this, and I’d be happy to coordinate/collaborate with others on this piece prior to the meeting. In particular it might be fun to make a range of “environmental” servers available at a couple of remote locations using MapServer and WCS and test collating the results…
I’m imaging a python script located in Spain submitting a list of LSIDS and x,y coords to the EVE service in Boulder (environmental values extraction service) which distributes the query out to WCS servers at KU, CRIA, others and makes a CSV text file of specimen LSIDS, followed by the environmental values available back to the calling python client. Any interest?
cheers, Dave
-----Original Message----- From: biogeosdi-bounces@lists.tdwg.org [mailto:biogeosdi- bounces@lists.tdwg.org] On Behalf Of Javier de la Torre Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 12:21 PM To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org Subject: [Biogeosdi] meeting
Hi All,
I am still waiting for Vanderlei's approval to have the meeting at CRIA. I have applied for the 1st week of April as we already discussed.
I haven't done anything since our last talk. But know I start having some more free time so I will start as soon as possible to discuss with Tim to further envision the use case. I have already seen that GDAL has already released WCS support, has anybody tried it? OpenModellers people?
I hope the dates are still fine for everybody.
PD: By the way Peter your messages seems to be refuse by the list server :??
On 18/01/2007, at 22:07, biogeosdi-bounces@lists.tdwg.org wrote:
The attached message has been automatically discarded.
From: Peter Brewer <p.w.brewer@reading.ac.uk>
Date: 18 de enero de 2007 22:07:23 GMT+01:00
To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org
Subject: Re: [Biogeosdi] SubStandards workshop
I was thinking the same. Dates are ok(ish) with me, but does everyone realise this falls over Easter? Not sure if that will be an issue for anyone.
Aimee Stewart wrote:
Hi all,
We should probably start some email or irc discussions regarding our upcoming workshop so that we can prepare. I have April 2-6 as our target dates. Does this still work for everyone, or do we need to revisit the timing? US participants will also need to get a visa to enter Brazil, I'm not sure about other countries.
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