It seems that the qualifier issues was addressed so this should just happen.On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 9:03 AM, John Wieczorek <> wrote:_______________________________________________Dear all,I am following up with the proposal for sampling event terms that have been discussed earlier in this forum in a few threads [1,2,3]. Below is the final proposal for five new terms as it stands ready to be presented to the Executive Committee for ratification after taking into account the commentaries to date. As this summary consists of no semantic changes over what has been discussed already, the proposal should be ready for presentation on 23 Jan 2015, barring any expressed objections to the current proposal.Term Name: parentEventIDIdentifier: Parent Event IDDefinition: An identifier for the broader Event that groups this and potentially other Events.Comment: May be a globally unique identifier or an identifier specific to the data set.Example: “A1” as parentEventID to identify the main Whittaker Plot in nested samples, each with its own eventID (e.g., “A1:1”, “A1:2”). For discussion seeType of Term: proposedDate Issued: 2014-11-07Date Modified: 2014-12-23Has Domain:Has Range:Version: parentEventID-2014-12-23Replaces:IsReplaceBy:ABCD 2.0.6: not in ABCDIssue reference: Name: sampleSizeValueIdentifier: Sample Size ValueDefinition: A numeric value for a measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling event.Comment: A sampleSizeValue must have a corresponding sampleSizeUnit. Example: “5" for sampleSizeValue with "metre” for sampleSizeUnit. For discussion seeType of Term: proposedDate Issued: 2014-11-07Date Modified: 2014-12-23Has Domain:Has Range:Version: sampleSizeValue-2014-12-23Replaces:IsReplaceBy:ABCD 2.0.6: not in ABCDIssue reference: Name: sampleSizeUnitIdentifier: Sample Size UnitDefinition: The unit of measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling event.Comment: A sampleSizeUnit must have a corresponding sampleSizeValue, e.g., “5" for sampleSizeValue with "metre” for sampleSizeUnit. Examples: “minute”, “hour”, “day, “metre”, “square metre”, “cubic metre”. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Ontology of Units of Measure of SI units, derived units, or other non-SI units accepted for use within the SI (e.g., minute, hour, day, litre). For discussion seeType of Term: proposedDate Issued: 2014-11-07Date Modified: 2014-12-23Has Domain:Has Range:Version: sampleSizeUnit-2014-12-23Replaces:IsReplaceBy:ABCD 2.0.6: not in ABCDIssue reference: Name: organismQuantityIdentifier: Organism QuantityDefinition: A number or enumeration value for the quantity of organisms.Comment: An organismQuantity must have a corresponding organismQuantityType, e.g., “27” for organismQuantity with “individuals” for organismQuantityType; “12.5” for organismQuantity with “%biomass” for organismQuantityType; “r” for organismQuantity with “BraunBlanquetScale” for organismQuantityType. For discussion seeType of Term: proposedDate Issued: 2014-11-07Date Modified: 2014-12-23Has Domain:Has Range:Version: organismQuantity-2014-12-23Replaces:IsReplaceBy:ABCD 2.0.6: not in ABCDIssue reference: Name: organismQuantityTypeNamespace: Organism Quantity TypeDefinition: The type of quantification system used for the quantity of organisms.Comment: An organismQuantityType must have a corresponding organismQuantity, e.g., “27” for organismQuantity with “individuals” for organismQuantityType; “12.5” for organismQuantity with “%biomass” for organismQuantityType; “r” for organismQuantity with “BraunBlanquetScale” for organismQuantityType. For discussion seeType of Term: proposedDate Issued: 2014-11-07Date Modified: 2014-12-23Has Domain:Has Range:Version: organismQuantityType-2014-12-23Replaces:IsReplaceBy:ABCD 2.0.6: not in ABCDIssue reference:
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