Found a moment to get back to this. There currently is no formal (that is, rdf) relation between observations and dcmitype:Event. In fact, there are no formal relations between recommended basisOfRecord values ("PreservedSpecimen", "StillImage", "HumanObservation") and any dcmitype terms (dcmitype:PhysicalObject, dcmitype:StillImage, dcmitype:Event). The former are string literals in a list that is recommended while the latter are the DC recommended Type Vocabulary for dcterms:type. So, if I was to publish a record for a human observation of a species in nature (a dwc:Occurrence), I would populate the terms as follow (note specifically the use of terms for type and recordClass and the use of a string for basisOfRecord): dcterms:type = dcmitype:Event dwc:basisOfRecord = "HumanObservation" dwc:recordClass = dwctype:Occurrence For your other example I would populate the terms similarly, with: dcterms:type = dcmitype:Event dwc:basisOfRecord = "MachineObservation" dwc:recordClass = dwctype:Occurrence On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Gregor Hagedorn <g.m.hagedorn@gmail.com> wrote:
John, yes, I was confused about the intended solution. I did not understand the text introduced with "The following may be confusing" - it is confusing to me, I don't understand which conclusion you draw from this. But you warned us, so I ignored this, and it probably does not matter here.
With respect to the Oct. 24th mail I see that I was reading too fast, and I based my understanding on the wrong of the two solutions for one of the examples (reading too fast, my fault!). This one is clear:
John writes:
For UC-Steve2 the Alaska museum of the North should have an Occurrence record for that specimen with: dcterms:type = "PhysicalObject" dwc:basisOfRecord = "PreservedSpecimen" dwc:recordClass = "Occurrence"
I cannot find the relation of HumanObservation / Machine Observation to dcterms:type spelled out. Do you propose
dcterms:type = "Event" dwc:basisOfRecord = "HumanObservation" dwc:recordClass = "Occurrence"
for unvouchered (no image) observations, and potentially
dcterms:type = "Dataset" dwc:basisOfRecord = "MachineObservation" dwc:recordClass = "Occurrence"
Sorry for email noise by not reading carefully enough!