Hi Steve --

You should be able to use the uBio web services in a simple script to look these up.  The problem will probably be that you'll get too many matches. The web services are described here:


You probably would use the namebank_search function.  Here's an example call via URL:


You'll need your own key code for accessing the service, which you can get here:

Note that the strings returned are base64 encoded, so you'll need to decode them before use.   


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Steve Baskauf <steve.baskauf@vanderbilt.edu> wrote:
I have generated a csv spreadsheet of about 39 000 plant names for the
U.S. which has the ITIS TSNIDs for the names in a column.  I would like
to have the uBio Namebank IDs in another column of the table.  I have
been looking them up on the uBio website by typing in the names as I
need to know the IDs, but after doing about 300 of them, I'm getting
tired of it.  Does anybody have a clever idea of a way to get the other
38 000 Namebank IDs without looking them up.  I'm sure that it would be
possible to find this out because uBio gets names from ITIS.  However, I
haven't seen any clues about how to do it in an automated fashion.  I'm
guessing that there might be some way to use the uBio web services, but
if so, it isn't obvious and I probably don't have the skills to carry it
out anyway.

Any ideas?

Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences

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