Hi (and apologies for the delay - its carnival time here in Brazil!)
The link with the workshop will be clear : for import of the data, we want to be able to connect to any online data provider, regardless of protocol or data schema : an interoperability question, indeed !
Our input for the workshop could be :
- NOT in the Python coding section : as I haven't used Python before,
I'll leave that to the people who are proficient at it.
I´m more a c++ developer myself and have only used python a bit with the python gdal bindings. From my little experience with python, its quick to pick up and get going with. My idea is that we will 'buddy programme' so we will try to pair python oficiados with non oficianados - the non 'pythonista' can still make valuable input as to application logic and general logic without being a guru.
- in the web interface group(s) - HTML and CSS is not much of a problem
We will surely need people to make a pleasing web standards compliant ui.
- in the documentation/reporting section : I would actually gladly
volunteer for this ;-)
Great - this will be an extremely useful contribution.
- in the high-level architecture design
- in the WMS/WFS/... part, as we have our own (DeeGree) system up and running here
Great this will be very useful too!
Two more practical questions to end with :
1/ are we supposed to bring our own laptop ? What is the voltage served in Brasil ( 127 V ?? ) - I'd hate to fry my computer...
As far as I know most laptop transformers will automatically take 127v (which we have here) or 220v. We can probably arrange for a couple of extra pc's to be available during the week - let me know before hand.
2/ are we supposed to be able to edit the WorkshopAssumptions section of the Wiki, or is that part moderated/administrated ? I can log on the the TDWG homepage without a problem, but further down I get "user unknown" errors...
You should be able to edit this if you are registered. I think you will need to contact Ricardo if you are having problems gaining access to the wiki.
Best regards, looking forward to meeting you soon,
Same here!