Hi all - Apologies if you've already received this; I wanted to make sure it was widely distributed. Lynn Lynn Kutner NatureServe www.natureserve.org (303) 541-0360 lynn_kutner@natureserve.org ******* New on-line survey <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=861321784377> on how data custodians are overseeing the sharing of Sensitive Primary Species Occurrence Data The GBIF Secretariat <http://www.gbif.org/> recognises concerns about the unprotected distribution of Sensitive Primary Species Occurrence Data (for example the exact localities of rare, endangered or commercially valuable taxa). This as an important issue to be addressed related to data to be shared through the GBIF network and made visible through the GBIF Data Portal <http://www.gbif.net> . We urgently need to review current approaches to obscuring or generalizing such data, and to develop best practice recommendations in this area. It is also important to understand the possible impact that such approaches may have on biodiversity science. This review will lead to a discussion paper which will be made available later this year on the GBIF web site. The GBIF Secretariat wishes to examine: * which data are regarded as 'sensitive' * which approaches are currently used by GBIF data providers to protect sensitive data (and the associated advantages and disadvantages of these approaches) * the extent to which each approach may be reversed through co-relational analysis * the extent that generalization may restrict various analyses * the level of generalization that may be appropriate for different types of data * the best ways of documenting generalization of data and the methods used * whether a standard approach can be promoted for all sensitive data provided through the GBIF network * whether changes should be made to the TDWG ABCD and Darwin Core schemas (used by GBIF for exchange of Primary Species Occurrence Data) to facilitate sharing generalised data We are offering an on-line survey <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=861321784377> (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=861321784377) and invite representatives of all institutions holding Primary Species Occurrence Data (specimen data, observations, living collections, and survey and monitoring data) to fill out this survey. The deadline for completion is April 1, 2006. After this date the survey will be closed and we will compile the responses to contribute to the review process. Further background on the survey can be found in the introduction to the survey <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=861321784377> . All respondents will receive a link to the draft Discussion Paper when it becomes available and there will be an opportunity to provide additional comments and reflections before the report becomes public. Larry Speers Senior Programme Officer Digitization of Natural History Collections Global Biodiversity Information Facility Copenhagen, Denmark Arthur D. Chapman (Consultant to GBIF on Sensitive Data) Australian Biodiversity Information Services Toowoomba, Australia