Dear Steve,
thanks for pointing out the previous discussion. The differences in usage context of these terms is highly relevant and perhaps these contexts should be spelled out in the definitions. My opinion is also that dwc:establishmentMeans is a property of an an organism at a particular place and time. However, DwC is used for checklists and observations so a compromise might be to allow semi-colon separated lists in the case of regional checklists.

Dr. Quentin Groom
(Botany and Information Technology)

Botanic Garden Meise
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise

Landline; +32 (0) 226 009 20 ext. 364
FAX:      +32 (0) 226 009 45

Skype name: qgroom

On 20 June 2016 at 01:44, Steve Baskauf <> wrote:
Getting caught up on this thread after a holiday. 

Some previous discussion on dwc:establishmentMeans in 2010 was at:

The opinion expressed in that thread was that dwc:establishmentMeans was a property of an organism at a particular place and time (i.e. an Occurrence.): how did a particular organism come to be in that place at that time.  In that view, an organism might be at a location because it was a representative of a native species, or because it was managed at that location by humans.  In that perspective, it would not make sense to use the value "invasive" with dwc:establishmentMeans because that is more of a property of a species at a location rather than an individual organism at that location and time. 


Quentin Groom wrote:
I've been working on a proposal to improve Darwin Core for use with invasive species data.

The proposal is for a new term "origin" and suggested vocabularies for establishmentMeans and occurrenceStatus.

I'd welcome your feedback on the proposal.

From my perspective it provides some needed clarity on the establishmentMeans and occurrenceStatus fields, but also adds the origin that is needed for invasive species research and for conservation assessments.

I'm not sure of the best way to discuss this, but if you have concrete proposals for changes you might raise them as issues on GitHub, as well as mentioning them here.


Dr. Quentin Groom
(Botany and Information Technology)

Botanic Garden Meise
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise

Landline; +32 (0) 226 009 20 ext. 364
FAX:      +32 (0) 226 009 45

Skype name: qgroom

Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences

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