Hi All,

I am still waiting for Vanderlei's approval to have the meeting at CRIA. I have applied for the 1st week of April as we already discussed.

I haven't done anything since our last talk. But know I start having some more free time so I will start as soon as possible to discuss with Tim to further envision the use case. I have already seen that GDAL has already released WCS support, has anybody tried it? OpenModellers people?

I hope the dates are still fine for everybody.


PD: By the way Peter your messages seems to be refuse by the list server :??

On 18/01/2007, at 22:07, biogeosdi-bounces@lists.tdwg.org wrote:

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
From: Peter Brewer <p.w.brewer@reading.ac.uk>
Date: 18 de enero de 2007 22:07:23 GMT+01:00
To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org
Subject: Re: [Biogeosdi] SubStandards workshop

I was thinking the same.  Dates are ok(ish) with me, but does everyone realise this falls over Easter?  Not sure if that will be an issue for anyone.


Aimee Stewart wrote:
Hi all,

We should probably start some email or irc discussions regarding our upcoming workshop so that we can prepare.  I have April 2-6 as our target dates.  Does this still work for everyone, or do we need to revisit the timing?  US participants will also need to get a visa to enter Brazil, I'm not sure about other countries.


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