I am currently experiencing some problems with implementing TCS 1.01
There are a couple of elements that do not have a simple element, like Genus (type=ReferenceType) or Rank (type=TaxonomicRank),
therefore you don't expect a value for these elements, although it is not invalid and the documentation suggests that there is a value. If there is a value, you don't know if it is a string or something else.
Based on the schema you would expect

<Genus ref="ref1" linkType="local" />

but in an instance doc you will probably get:

<Genus ref="ref1" linkType="local" />Xyz</Genus> or even <Genus>Xyz</Genus>

Applications that generate sample docs based on the schema, like oXygen, or parse the schema, like Pywrapper Schema Parser will not treat the element as having a value.

This is probably also the cause that aliases for these elements are missing in the TAPIR Concept Name server at TDWG: http://rs.tdwg.org/tapir/cns/alias.txt


Wouter Addink