A full program PDF has now been posted (latest 6 Nov 2016)  for TDWG2016 in Costa Rica https://mbgserv18.mobot.org/ocs/index.php/tdwg/tdwg2016/schedConf/program (latest printable program updates will always be available at this link).  

We are searching for non-student moderators for three of the contributed paper sessions, C02 (Thursday morning, Inventories), C04 (Friday morning; Catalogs, Checklists, Collections) and C05 (Friday morning; Data Gaps, Trust, Acquisition, Access). Moderators are responsible for keeping the sessions on time. Symposium and workshop organizers will be responsible for this in their own sessions. 

This year all talks in parallel sessions are allowed 15 minutes, which includes changing of speakers and questions.  Speakers are asked to be mindful of these constraints.

If you are attending TDWG 2016 and interested in being added to the next version of the program as a moderator, please email me as soon as possible, for which session you are interested in moderating.

Hasta pronto en Costa Rica!

Gail Kampmeier
Co-Program Chair, TDWG 2016