I sent a version of this message to TAXACOM and EvolDir, so you may have seen it already (in which case my apologies), but I've been appointed Chair of the GBIF Science Committee and I'm canvasing views on what's next for GBIF, particularly regarding the kinds of data it collects and the kinds of science it supports (you can get an idea of the kind of science that GBIF-hosted data currently supports from this list of papers on Mendeley
http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1068301/gbif-public-library/ ).
I should stress that this is simply me trying to calibrate my perception of GBIF's role with what others think. There have been formal surveys (see the papers in the journal "Biodiversity Informatics"
https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/jbi/issue/view/370/showToc ), meetings, and a "vision" statement (the "Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook,
http://www.biodiversityinformatics.org/ ). But there's always the chance that these fora may miss some points of view, so I'm keen to get feedback on what sort of things GBIF could do to improve the way it can help people tackle the scientific questions they are interested in.