Rich, Thanks for clarifying that "individual" as you are using the term corresponds to dsw:IndividualOrganism rather than THeE. I didn't read carefully enough. With regards to the term "Individual", as you note, its origin is from the term dwc:individualID. The original DwC term addition proposal was to create the term dwc:Individual to follow the pattern of the other ID terms in DwC. When Cam and I were writing DSW in Web Ontology Language (OWL), we realized that "individual" had a particular meaning in OWL: it effectively means "instance". So that made creating a class called dsw:Individual particularly confusing. For that reason, Cam suggested dsw:IndividualOrganism to indicate that we were talking about individuals sensu organisms rather than individuals sensu OWL. As you know, we never intended for it to apply only to individual organisms. I think that pretty much everybody agrees that "individual" is a confusing term name for a number of reasons. If at some point there is a DwC term which corresponds to what we are talking about (TaxonomicallyHomogeneousEntity, THoE, or whatever), the solution may be to deprecate dwc:individualID and change it to dwc:taxonomicallyHomogeneousEntityID or whatever corresponds to the new class name with "ID" tacked on the end. For convenience, in this email I'll refer to "Individual" with the understanding that it's not a good name. Although there is potentially significant overlap between the proposed dwc:MaterialSample class and Individual, I think that there are at least two ways that they differ significantly. One is that I'm pretty sure that there is no requirement that a dwc:MaterialSample must be a biological material (i.e. derived from a living thing). I think that it's pretty clear from what Rich has said that Individual (to include the range from tissue samples up to herds) must consist of biological materials. The other is that a material sample must be physically sampled (i.e. removed from the environment and subjected to some kind of processing). An important feature of an Individual (at least to me!) is that it can be observed, photographed, or recorded without necessarily having all or part of it being removed from its environment and subjected to processing. My reading of the definition of dwc:individualID (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/index.htm#individualID ) is that the "individual or named group of individual organisms" (e.g. "Orca J 23") might be observed repeatedly without physical sampling. The definition of dwc:individualID says "resampling", but I think "sampling" there was being used more broadly than just "physically removing part or all of the organism". I've been thinking about whether it is a problem for DwC type vocabulary terms to overlap. There is nothing in the current definitions of the type vocabulary terms that require its classes to be disjoint. I think it is possible that something could be both a dwctype:PreservedSpecimen and a dwctype:FossilSpecimen, and if dwctype:MaterialSample is accepted as a term there would undoubtedly be things that were both dwctype:PreservedSpecimen and dwctype:MaterialSample. So I don't think it is necessarily a problem if there is overlap between dwctype:MaterialSample and an Individual class. Certainly RDF allows a resource to have two (or more) rdf:type declarations. With regards to Ramona's objection "Making one root class to cover lots of different types of entities is poor ontological practice", I would just note that Darwin Core is "glossary of terms ... intended to facilitate the sharing of information about biological diversity" (http://www.tdwg.org/standards/450/ ) and that the mission of TDWG in general is to "Develop, adopt and promote standards and guidelines for the recording and exchange of data about organisms" (http://www.tdwg.org/about-tdwg/ ) and not ontology building per se. So in the context of TDWG and Darwin Core, the primary criterion for judging a proposed term is whether it effectively facilitates the sharing and exchange of information about biological diversity, and not whether it fits well into an ontology. Don't get me wrong - I'm fully in support of ontology-building as a means to clarify the relationships among entities of interest to TDWG. What I'm saying is that there will probably be terms in DwC that have a utilitarian purpose in promoting data exchange that will never be part of an ontology. It is possible (perhaps likely) that Individual will be such a term. It was once described as "more of a database join than a real thing" (or something like that) which is perhaps an overstatement because it does correspond roughly to a certain set of real things. But I think its purpose is really more for linking sets of resources that have shared properties and shared connections to identifications, observations, etc. Steve Richard Pyle wrote:
Hi Ramona,
I apologize for the long emails, but this stuff is complex and unfortunately requires lots of words (to avoid - or at least minimize - misunderstanding). I will try to keep my responses to your points short.
Using the word "individual" to describe collections of organisms - whether they are taxonomically homogenous or heterogeneous - makes no
Yes, I know it is just a label, but seriously, just make a better label.
Yes, I agree. But it's what we already have in DWC (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/index.htm#individualID) I have no problem using a different term, but before we choose terms, we should first define what the concepts are.
A single organism and a collection of organisms are fundamentally
different things.
Actually, not really different things. Many natural history collections maintain their specimens as "lots", which may have a single individual specimen, or multiple specimens. Regardless of whether it's a single specimen or multiple specimens, the basic properties are the same (same collecting event, sme taxonomic identification, and many other identical properties). This becomes especially true for colonial organisms (like corals, where the "individual" could be interpreted as a single polyp). It's also true for other use cases we deal with that are outside the DWC/TDWG scope.
If you need a class that can cover both of them under certain
you need to use a logical definition to define the circumstances (just
like the
class material sample does by using the criterion of having a material
sample role).
In order to do this, you also need to have separate classes for individual
and collection of organisms.
We have tried to do this by distinguishing instances as "Lot" or "Whole Organism" -- which could be thought of as distinct subclasses (though again, they generally share the same properties). The same is true for tissue samples, and other "parts".
I agree whole-heartedly with the need to clearly track stakeholders needs for different classes of things, using a logical system to decide how
things relate to one another, examining alternative systems for creating the classes of things, and testing them against use cases (Steve's points
This is precisely what we are trying to do with the bio-collections
(BCO). The suggestion to use the term material sample came out of just such a process. It is important to remember that the stakeholders include more than just the community using DwC.
It seems we are all in full agreement on these points. In my case, I am especially in agreement with the last point, as much of our thinking has been independent of the TDWG/DWC thinking, but still keeping that set of use-cases in mind.
Aloha, Rich
-- Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences postal mail address: PMB 351634 Nashville, TN 37235-1634, U.S.A. delivery address: 2125 Stevenson Center 1161 21st Ave., S. Nashville, TN 37235 office: 2128 Stevenson Center phone: (615) 343-4582, fax: (615) 322-4942 If you fax, please phone or email so that I will know to look for it. http://bioimages.vanderbilt.edu