Apologies – I omitted the vocabularies for invasiveness [4] and status [5] which are also referenced in the data structures.

[4] http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/vocabulary/issg/invasiveness.xml
[5]  http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/vocabulary/issg/status.xml

From: Tim Robertson <trobertson@gbif.org>
Date: Monday 23 May 2016 at 20:47
To: "tuco@berkeley.edu" <tuco@berkeley.edu>, Quentin Groom <quentin.groom@plantentuinmeise.be>
Cc: TDWG Content Mailing List <tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org>, Donald Hobern <dhobern@gbif.org>, informatics <informatics@gbif.org>, Tim Hirsch <thirsch@gbif.org>
Subject: Re: [tdwg-content] A proposal to improve Darwin Core for invasive species data

Hi Quentin, John,

This is rather timely…  Over last 2 months or so GBIF have again been working with the IUCN and GIASIP folks to massage some checklist datasets into a format which included a pathway vocabulary [1] and data structures to model distribution [2] and the pathway itself [3].  These are preliminary at this stage and exist in the sandbox repository so can be used with IPTs in the TEST mode.  To demonstrate progress with the project partners, an IPT with some datasets is available on http://giasip.gbif.org/ and was recently presented at the CBD SBSTTA meeting by Tim Hirsch.

The vocabulary GBIF have thus far adopted was "developed under the leadership of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Invasive Species Specialist Group (IUCN SSC ISSG). The vocabulary was published as supplementary material in Pagad et al., 2015, IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group: invasive alien species information management supporting practitioners, policy makers and decision takers (http://dx.doi.org/10.3391/mbi.2015.6.2.03).”

I think it would be worthwhile exploring if these efforts can converge before progressing too much further – there seems to be a lot of overlap from first glance.


[1] http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/vocabulary/issg/pathway.xml
[2] http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/extension/issg-distribution.xml
[3] http://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/extension/issg-pathway.xml

From: tdwg-content <tdwg-content-bounces@lists.tdwg.org> on behalf of John Wieczorek <tuco@berkeley.edu>
Reply-To: "tuco@berkeley.edu" <tuco@berkeley.edu>
Date: Monday 23 May 2016 at 20:36
To: Quentin Groom <quentin.groom@plantentuinmeise.be>
Cc: TDWG Content Mailing List <tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org>
Subject: Re: [tdwg-content] A proposal to improve Darwin Core for invasive species data

Hi Quentin,

Thank you for your effort in putting forth these welll thought out proposals. At various times I have heard discussions on the inadequecy of establishmentMeans. Your work encapsulates the problem well. 
One of the things that helps when proposing to add a Darwin Core term is demonstrating that there is a community that needs it. Can you tell us who has a demonstrated need to share this information? Anyone out there who has this interest is also welcome to share that here to provide evidence of demand from more than one group, project or individual.



On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Quentin Groom <quentin.groom@plantentuinmeise.be> wrote:
I've been working on a proposal to improve Darwin Core for use with invasive species data.

The proposal is for a new term "origin" and suggested vocabularies for establishmentMeans and occurrenceStatus.

I'd welcome your feedback on the proposal.

From my perspective it provides some needed clarity on the establishmentMeans and occurrenceStatus fields, but also adds the origin that is needed for invasive species research and for conservation assessments.

I'm not sure of the best way to discuss this, but if you have concrete proposals for changes you might raise them as issues on GitHub, as well as mentioning them here.


Dr. Quentin Groom
(Botany and Information Technology)

Botanic Garden Meise
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise

Landline; +32 (0) 226 009 20 ext. 364
FAX:      +32 (0) 226 009 45

Skype name: qgroom
Website:    www.botanicgarden.be

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