Here is a little more on the latest version of the TDWG BioBlitz records.
Here is the query used: Note it returns those records that have identifications and a lat/long but includes those without a photo.
It uses the following query:
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX txn: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX time: <>
describe ?s where {
?s rdf:type txn:Occurrence.
?s dcterms:isPartOf txn:TDWG2010_BioBlitz.
?s geo:lat ?lat.
?s geo:long ?long.
?s txn:startDate ?date.
?s time:dayOfYear ?day_of_year.
?s txn:occurrenceHasArea ?area.
?s txn:kingdom ?kingdom.
?s txn:phylum ?phylum.
?s txn:class ?class.
?s txn:order ?order.
?s txn:family ?family.
?s txn:hasScientificName ?scientific_name.
?s txn:hasCollector ?collector.
?s txn:recordedBy ?recorder.
?s txn:occurrenceHasIndividual ?individual.
?s foaf:depiction ?depiction .
limit 1000
This PivotView (requires Silverlight) is an interactive way to look at the data.
It shows the TDWG Observations by Observer
* It maybe a little slow to load (~1000 records)
Here are two screenshots to give you an idea of what this looks like
Small Version
Large Version
- Pete