Dear All,
GBIF is committed to exploring ways in which the IPT and Darwin Core Archive format can be extended for publishing sample-based data sets. In association with the EU BON project [1], a customised version of the IPT [2] has been deployed to test this using a special type of Darwin Core Archive in which the core is an “Event” with associated taxon occurrences in an “Occurrence” extension.
The Darwin Core vocabulary already provides a rich set of terms with many relevant for describing sample-based data. Synthesising several sources of input (GBIF organised workshop on sample data, May 2013 [3], discussions on the TDWG mailing list in late 2013; internal discussion among EU BON project partners), five new terms relating to sample data were identified as essential. The complete model including these new terms are fully described with examples in the online document “Publishing sample data using the GBIF IPT” [4].
As a first step towards ratification, we would like to register the new terms in the DwC Google Code tracker [5] if there are no major objections on this list. The five terms are:
1. quantity: the number or enumeration value of the quantityType (e.g., individuals, biomass, biovolume, BraunBlanquetScale) per samplingUnit or a percentage measure recorded for the sample.
2. quantityType: : the entity being referred to by quantity, e.g., individuals, biomass, %species, scale type.
3. samplingGeometry: an indication of what kind of space was sampled; select from point, line, area or volume.
4. samplingUnit: the unit of measurement used for reporting the quantity in the sample, e.g., minute, hour, day, metre, metre^2, metre^3. It is combined with quantity and quantityType to provide the complete measurement, e.g., 9 individuals per day, 4 biomass-gm per metre^2.
5. eventSeriesID: an identifier for a set of events that are associated in some way, e.g., a monitoring series; may be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the series.
Best regards,
Éamonn Ó Tuama, M.Sc., Ph.D. (,
Senior Programme Officer for Interoperability,
Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat,
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100, Copenhagen Ø, DENMARK
Phone: +45 3532 1494; Fax: +45 3532 1480
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