Hey Pete, could you send your emails from the account you subscribed with? If not they get rejected and I have to resend them to the list.


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From: biogeosdi-bounces@lists.tdwg.org
Date: 22 de febrero de 2007 10:58:29 GMT+01:00
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From: Peter Brewer <p.w.brewer@reading.ac.uk>
Date: 22 de febrero de 2007 10:58:32 GMT+01:00
To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org
Subject: Re: [Biogeosdi] Re: biogeosdi Digest, Vol 3, Issue 7


I can confirm that Tim actually runs on rocket fuel.  You can however use this 
to your advantage if you wear roller blades and put a lead on him.  Don't 
worry about the hike - I'll be going too and I *MUST* be less fit than you!!!

See you in sun.


On Thursday 22 February 2007 08:59, Meganck Bart wrote:
Hi Tim,

In answer to your message about after-workshop activities :
I planned for some free time after the workshop - Brazil is a long
way from Europe, after all. So, yes, I'd be interested in the "hike", as
long as it is suited for an average after-winter desk-job person's
physical condition. You're not by any chance a marathon athlete, are
you ? ;-)
Minas Gerais is very nice, from everything I hear.

Bart Meganck,

ICT & GIS engineer,
African Zoology Department.

Royal Museum for Central Africa,
Leuvensesteenweg 13,
B-3080 Tervuren,

Tel : +32(0)2 769 56 92
Fax : +32(0)2 767 02 42
Email : bart.meganck@africamuseum.be
Website : www.africamuseum.be

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:20:55 -0300
From: "Tim Sutton" <tim@linfiniti.com>
Subject: Re: [Biogeosdi] workshop
To: "Javier de la Torre" <jatorre@gmail.com>
Cc: p.w.brewer@reading.ac.uk, Cria Admin <cria_adm@cria.org.br>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi all

Just a quick note regarding post hackfest activities. We are putting
together a few options based on the assumption that you want to do
some visiting of places of natural beauty and environmental interest.
I will get more details later but if you are booking a flight bear in
mind that my options will include:

A 1 day visit to somewhere nice with a hike & lunch (packed or at a
A 2 or 3 day hike with overnight camping (you will need to bring tents
& sleeping bags & hiking boots). Hopefully from Extrema, Minas Gerais
to Monte Verde, Minas Gerais.

How much interest is there in the latter option running fri, sat (and
sun if 3 day hike). In the case of doing a 3 day hike you would need
to book your flight for the monday. Assuming that not everyone can
stay that long we could split into two groups and offer day outing for
those on a tighter time budget and multiday outing for those with a
bit more time.

I will get more details to you as they become available but it will be
helpfull to know who wants to do what and also to book your flights




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