Thanks for your talk about XML. I have several questions: o Are Vocabulary and Namespace synonymous terms? o What is XML-DATA? o Reading about RDF and Dublin Core as RDF application I was left confused as to what acutally is a resource. It usually seems to be assumed that it is a document, but this impression may only be due to the examples. Thus, in a file with several item descriptions could: - Each item be a resource, for which a creator/editor etc. is described using DublinCore? - Could even the characters information within an item have different authors? (And if yes: Is it wise to do this?) - Is there a limit to a hierarchy of RDF objects in an XML file?
You can copy-and-paste this into an example.html file, and see it in Internet Explorer 5, or Mozilla, or any XHTML+CSS1 compliant browser.
Note: I assume that Mozilla does not apply to Netscape 4.7, which did not seem to be able to display the code you appended
* how and why mix several vocabularies,
I would be very interested in this one. thanks Gregor ---------------------------------------------------------- Inst. for Plant Virology, Microbiology, and Biosafety Federal Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA) Gregor Hagedorn Net: Koenigin-Luise-Str. 19 Tel: +49-30-8304-2220 14195 Berlin, Germany Fax: +49-30-8304-2203 Often wrong but never in doubt!