DwC-MIxS TG meeting follow-up and next steps
Dear all, Thank you all for the great first meeting! We apologise again for the short notice, and hope to have the complete group together next time. Below, please find sections with a summary of our first meeting, next steps, and a regular meeting poll. ==SUMMARY== For extended meeting notes, please see our running minutes document [1]. We’ve taken the opportunity of this first meeting to start discussing how best to approach building DwC-MIxS interoperability. We’ll first be starting with the mapping of DwC and MIxS terms using the MIxS IRIs (according to Bill currently reserved by not yet live) and the DwC IRIs. This will be followed by the building of an extension with all (or at least most) unmapped terms. For the mapping, we’ll be using the SSSOM matrix [2] which follows the structure of subject (DwC term) predicate (mapping predicate) object (MIxS term). To collaboratively work on the mapping, we’ve set up this mapping spreadsheet [3]. As we fill this out, it’s very important to select an appropriate mapping predicate [4] for machine-level understanding. We should also make liberal use of the comment column to note any concerns or inconsistencies. One-to-many and many-to-one mappings will be captured by duplicating the relevant subject/object in a separate row. Please use our issue tracker [5] to note any comments or difficulties during the mapping, with one issue per term. This will help us transparently log and discuss the challenge as we overcome it. ==NEXT STEPS== John Wieczorek has kindly taken a first pass at the mapping in our spreadsheet and created issues on our issue tracker for discussions/comments. In preparation for our next meeting, please review the first-pass mappings and extend them by mapping any terms that are of particular concern to you in the packages. note any issues/uncertainties (such as duplicated labels on different MIxS terms) on our issue tracker. also, on our issue tracker, note any other challenges/questions in mapping the terms or using the map for implementations. ==REGULAR MEETINGS== To continue the work of the TG we’ll be having regular meetings every two weeks. Please fill out this doodle poll <https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link> to find a suitable weekday. Don’t worry if you can’t make the exact date in the poll this time around, this is more to find a convenient day for all subsequent meetings. According to the output of the previous doodle poll, the time option is limited to 4 pm UTC. Please let us know if this should pose a challenge for any of you. Thank you and best wishes, Raïssa and Pier [1] Running notes document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kUn... <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kUnMZ4/edit?usp=sharing> [2] SSSOM mapping https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM <https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM> [3] DwC-MIxS mapping spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSIX... <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSIXEbqXDpA/edit?usp=sharing> [4] Mapping predicates https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM/blob/master/SSSOM.md#common-mapping... <https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM/blob/master/SSSOM.md#common-mapping-predicates> [5] Issue tracker https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues> [6] Doodle poll https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link <https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link> — https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2996-719X
participants (1)
Raissa Meyer