Hi all, We discussed the outstanding DwC-A extension questions with Pier and have a proposed way forward. The motivation here is to keep the scope of the TG well-defined, and to progress exploratory activities that complement the work here. 1. Create a MIxS specific DwC-A Extension - Within the TDWG github - Containing only the fields of MIxS not covered by DwC - We will maintain a SSSOM mapping for the "covered" terms - This extension will be the reference showcasing the use of DwC and MIxS within a DwC-A for the report - Expected that TDWG / GSC will commit to maintain this with future changes in standards 2. GBIF create an additional DNA extension - In the GBIF schema repository (rs.gbif.org) - based on the MIxS Extension, but bringing in the additional terms necessary to satisfy the exchange needs of the GBIF/OBIS network - Documented in the description that it extends the MIxS one with a link - GBIF/OBIS progress with early adopters in data exchange, to be referred to in the report as a “case study” / example of use 3. Consider documenting other formats in the report - Ideas include the Frictionless Data, W3C CSV approach including a conversion to RDF Please say if you have any comments or concerns, otherwise we’ll work through this in the coming weeks. Many thanks, Tim