Later is possible for me on all days, I believe. On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 6:50 PM Deborah Paul <dlpaul@illinois.edu> wrote:
Hi All,
Sadly, we have exactly 0 times that work for all or even for "all who must be present."
Any chance those of you non USA folks (Europe, South America) could meet later in your day?
On 2021-11-29 10:54 AM, Deborah Paul wrote:
Hi All,
The TDWG Executive and the Technical Architecture Group (TDWG TAG) has reviewed the MOU proposed by the DwC-MIxS Interoperability TG. The MOU seems quite positive but we do have implementation questions and want to discuss them with you and those that maintain DwC (the DwC Maintenance Group). So, ...
We're organizing this event: Review MOU for Sustainable DwC-MIxS Interoperability
We need to find out your availability. This link will show you our proposed times. All you need to do is click on when is good for you ...
Thanks! Debbie, et al from the TDWG Executive
On 2021-08-23 12:52 PM, Raissa Meyer wrote:
Dear TDWG EC and Secretariat, Dear GSC board and Secretariat,
We would like to present the outputs of the Sustainable DwC-MIxS Interoperability Task Group convened under GBWG [1; https://www.tdwg.org/community/gbwg/MIxS/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.tdwg.org/community/gbwg/MIxS/__;!!DZ3fjg!swlSHu1JbCyhzK_2SLi_Gq1VAy7ZxDMP3_1JOuvXS4VZeZAdK7mRJAETcMuj6DqtDA$> ].
The final draft of our report is attached to this email and is also viewable here: https://tinyurl.com/a9khfya6 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tinyurl.com/a9khfya6__;!!DZ3fjg!swlSHu1JbCyhzK_2SLi_Gq1VAy7ZxDMP3_1JOuvXS4VZeZAdK7mRJAETcMtegV0vGw$>
In this report, we include a proposed MoU <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PMduF-42m0CqtCsgczG-MajcKLkzkj6BRBs2DVyLX64/edit*heading=h.5swde4xcgu4g__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!swlSHu1JbCyhzK_2SLi_Gq1VAy7ZxDMP3_1JOuvXS4VZeZAdK7mRJAETcMs8ANJhMA$> between TDWG and the GSC to ensure sustainable interoperability between DwC and MIxS.
We hope that you will consider our TG report/outputs in your upcoming meetings and will provide feedback where necessary, which will be appended to the report for consideration of future TGs. In particular, feedback on the MoU supporting its adoption would be valuable to the community.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Yours sincerely, Raïssa Meyer and Pier Luigi Buttigieg
[1] This TG brought together experts from the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) and the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) - alongside key external stakeholders (OBIS, GBIF, Pensoft, etc.) - to develop an approach to promote sustainable interoperability between the Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS; maintained by the GSC) and the Darwin Core (DwC; maintained by TDWG) specifications. We 1) generated, and internally reviewed, a fine-grained mapping of DwC to MIxS in a standard format (SSSOM), 2) implemented new extensions to DwC, and 3) developed recommendations on how to expand on and sustain these. We have also identified areas of concern, which are in need of further attention and follow-up TGs. (https://www.tdwg.org/community/gbwg/MIxS/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.tdwg.org/community/gbwg/MIxS/__;!!DZ3fjg!swlSHu1JbCyhzK_2SLi_Gq1VAy7ZxDMP3_1JOuvXS4VZeZAdK7mRJAETcMuj6DqtDA$> )
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2996-719X <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2996-719X__;!!DZ3fjg!swlSHu1JbCyhzK_2SLi_Gq1VAy7ZxDMP3_1JOuvXS4VZeZAdK7mRJAETcMtDUi3TzA$>
-- - Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison - Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois -- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Chair 2021-2022 -- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment -- Species File Group and Events https://speciesfilegroup.org
-- - Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison - Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois -- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Chair 2021-2022 -- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment -- Species File Group and Events https://speciesfilegroup.org