MaterialSample Task Group Member, We had set a goal to put a review package together by May 1 and although we are behind, we are close! Please review the currently proposed package <https://github.com/tdwg/material-sample/tree/main/review%20package>. Each term has an associated issue linked at the top of the document. Add comments in the issues if you think anything needs further discussion/revision. Although I have proposed changes to FossilSpecimen, LivingSpecimen and PreservedSpecimen, I am prepared to drop those if they are going to hold up the proposal of this package for public review. We have meetings scheduled for May 17 and my current goal is to finalize the package at those meetings, then submit the results to the main TDWG repo. We are close to accomplishing something! I appreciate all of your time and effort on this Task Group and hope that we can wrap this up shortly. Adios, Teresa J. Mayfield-Meyer *Arctos <https://arctosdb.org/> Community Coordinator* *ORCiD - 0000-0002-1970-7044 <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1970-7044>* It's not dead if it has data!