[tdwg-content] most GUIDs/URIs for names/taxon stuff not ready for prime time
Steve Baskauf
steve.baskauf at vanderbilt.edu
Thu Jan 6 06:32:54 CET 2011
Well, I have continued my quest for resolvable, RDF-producing GUIDs for
taxon/name-related stuff. I have gotten a lot of good information from
reading Rod Page's BMC Bioinformatics paper
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-10-S14-S5) and from investigating
his http://bioguid.info/ site.
From the standpoint of the "sec./sensu" part of a TNU/taxon concept,
based on the recent discussion, it sounds like the DIO solution for
publications is a good direction to go IF resolution services producing
RDF comes into existence and IF it becomes possible to actually search
for the DIOs of more obscure publications. I tried using Rod's site to
look up a journal article using the ISSN, volume, and page and the web
interface found the DOI and generated RDF just fine. However, an
attempt to use the web to find the DIO of Gleason and Cronquist's Manual
of vascular plants of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
failed despite a half hour of effort (I found the UPC, the LOC call
number, and the ISBN, but no DOI). Maybe there just isn't a DOI for it
but there should be a way for me to know that. So DOIs for books and
old journal articles are not really ready for prime time.
From the standpoint of the "scientific name" part of a TNU/taxon
concept, I had better luck (sort of). Rod's "Status of biodiversity
services" page (http://www.bioguid.info/status/) was really cool. I saw
resources I hadn't known about before. I tried out several of the
services that claimed to issue LSIDs.
Catalog of Life's LSIDs didn't work with either the
http://www.bioguid.info/ or http://lsid.tdwg.org/ proxies with either a
web browser or the OpenLink RDF browser. I only got an empty RDF
element in response.
Index Fungorum was down.
IPNI seemed to work. However, I was somewhat appalled to observe that
they seem to change the revision identifier any time that they change
any part of the metadata. That renders the LSID useless as a permanent
GUID for the name and I believe is inconsistent with the design of LSIDs
where the revision is only supposed to change if the underlying data
itself (NOT metadata) changes. (Catalog of Life says that they change
the revision identifier EACH YEAR for all of their records! That's even
worse!) If I'm remembering the TDWG LSID recommendations, it is not
even recommended to use the revision part of an LSID at all in the
biodiversity informatics context.
ubio.org's LSIDs seemed to work properly.
[sorry - didn't try zoobank since I was looking for plants]
I don't know which (if any) of the Web sites listed on Rod's status page
use generic HTTP URI guids (rather than LSIDs) to refer to taxon names.
I tried out the Global Names index that Pete was mentioning. The URI
version of the UUIDs (e.g.
do resolve under content negotiation, but the only useful information
that the RDF representation seems to provide is the actual name string
that was used to generate the UUID. Until some other useful linked
information is added to the RDF, there doesn't seem to be much advantage
in pointing a semantic client to the URI over just using a string
literal for the name.
So the bottom line is that of the LSID services for names that I've
tried so far, only ubio.org seems to have LSIDs for names that are
unchanging, can work as a proxied URI, and that produce actual useful
RDF. That's pretty disappointing given the apparently huge amount of
work that's been put into building these various systems.
Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences
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